

Processing results

Assuming that you successfully run experiments during previous stage, let's analyze gathered results. Simplest way to do so is to run report subcommand of tsexperiment tool:

                                       MEAN       STDDEV     MEAN       STDDEV    
0        8000   3492   8000   2428     -0.054     0.107      0.141      0.082     
1        8000   2972   8000   3143     -0.056     0.130      0.145      0.089     
2        6302   2372   6302   2459     -0.071     0.219      0.153      0.145     
3        7952   3121   6254   2849     -0.059     0.176      0.142      0.114     
4        7966   3274   6220   2657     -0.058     0.140      0.137      0.089     
5        8033   3047   6253   3098     -0.067     0.258      0.145      0.133     
6        9747   3442   8000   4109     -0.064     0.184      0.147      0.119     
7        8000   3170   8000   2952     -0.061     0.122      0.140      0.088     
8        6352   2491   6352   2363     -0.058     0.111      0.142      0.078     
9        9648   3622   8000   3739     -0.071     0.318      0.141      0.141     
10       6303   2580   6303   2170     -0.060     0.115      0.138      0.080     
11       8058   2972   6361   3162     -0.060     0.176      0.140      0.101     
12       8015   2919   6376   3201     -0.057     0.116      0.141      0.083     
13       8057   2682   6433   3542     -0.061     0.188      0.145      0.108     
14       9567   3097   8000   4449     -0.063     0.223      0.146      0.134     
15       6490   2138   6490   2904     -0.058     0.133      0.150      0.094     
16       7960   2622   6450   3573     -0.068     0.208      0.149      0.130     
17       9550   3039   8000   4491     -0.057     0.141      0.144      0.099     
18       7233   2463   7233   3138     -0.056     0.119      0.143      0.082     
19       8767   2694   8000   4272     -0.053     0.110      0.138      0.080     
total    160000 58209  141027 64699    -0.061     0.177      0.143      0.106

It provides very basic statistics about number of requests that was run during experiments, service and wait times. Let's explain some anomalies that could be seen here.

First of all, count of requests and count of requests that was run during their step is much different than requested (8000). That's because the nature of think-time request scheduler that was chosen for workload 'test1'. It advances arrival times of requests by service time of previous request, so request simply misses their step. There is also a lot of discarded requests because deadline that we set for workload 'test1' (100us) is very small.

Also, there is very strange negative mean wait time of requests. That's because it is very hard to create simulate request arrival because of so-called OS jitter and overheads brought by TSLoad itself. So TSLoad tries to mitigate them by making arrivals earlier than they should be. It's behavior could be controlled by tp_worker_min_sleep and tp_worker_overhead tunables.

However, report subcommand provides not much information, so you may want to use some external software, like R. To do so you need to export experiment data from binary tsf format to csv or json:

$ ./bin/tsexperiment -e var/tsload/sample/ export -F csv -d /tmp/ 11 test1
Exported workload 'test1' to file /tmp/panther.mylocal-run-8k-11-test1.csv

Let's look at file that was generated by tsexperiment tool:

$ head /tmp/panther.mylocal-run-8k-11-test1.csv

As you can see, a lot of requests was thrown away due to deadline policy and interstep effects. The file itself contains several mandatory fields:

  • rq_step - id of step to which request belongs
  • rq_request - id of request. It is unique for workload during step.
  • rq_chain_request - id of request from chained workload. In our case test1 doesn't have chained workloads so it is set to -1
  • rq_thread - id of worker that executed that request
  • rq_user - id of user (only for think-time request scheduler)
  • rq_sched_time - request arrival time
  • rq_start_time - start of request service
  • rq_end_time - end of requests service
  • rq_flags - request flags (bitmask) Other fields are per-request parameters and may vary. In our case it is parameter num_cycles, which is specific to busy_wait workload that we used in our demonstration.

Processing results with R

First of all let's run R (which is obvious) and load experiment results to it:

$ R
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
(some output is omitted)

> rq <- read.table('/tmp/panther.mylocal-run-8k-11-test1.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
> dim(rq)
[1] 160000     11

Now we have data frame that consists of 11 columns and 160000 rows. Let's get rid of requests which was not finished successfully:

> erq <- rq[rq$rq_flags == 15 | rq$rq_flags == 11, ]
> dim(erq)
[1] 95301    11

Now we could do some statistical computations on these data: let's create vector of wait and service times, and calculate mean values of them:

> wait_time <- erq$rq_start_time - erq$rq_sched_time
> svc_time <- erq$rq_end_time - erq$rq_start_time
> mean(wait_time) ; mean(svc_time)
[1] -60613.16
[1] 143021.6

If you want to work with data on per-step basis, you have to create new data frame by using aggregate function:

> aggregate(erq$rq_start_time - erq$rq_sched_time, by=list(erq$rq_step), FUN=mean)
   Group.1         x
1        0 -54113.36
2        1 -55544.54
3        2 -71758.97
4        3 -54888.67
5        4 -58391.60
6        5 -69939.51
(some output is omitted)

Finally let's find correlation between num_cycles value and service time of request (however it is a bit useless because for such study we should use variator-based parameter, not a probability map):

> cor(erq$rq_end_time - erq$rq_start_time, erq$num_cycles)
[1] 0.6880422
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